Cincinnati Dentist Promotes Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Cincinnati dentist promotes Oral Cancer Awareness Month by encouraging patients to receive oral cancer screenings.

Cincinnati dentist, Dr. Eric Henize, and his dental team are promoting Oral Cancer Awareness Month, by encouraging their patients and community members to receive regular oral cancer screenings.

Dr. Henize is trained to detect oral cancer.  Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is found on the lips, tongue, gums, inner lining of the mouth, jaw or upper throat area. There are a number of symptoms of oral cancer that start to appear early on. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms are often overlooked as other issues when they first take hold.

Oral cancer can happen to anyone but is most developed by men.  Those who smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipe smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop oral cancer, as well as users of dip, snuff or chewing tobacco.  Oral cancer can also occur in those who are excessive alcoholic drinks, who are exposed excessively to the sun or it can be genetic. However, it is important to note that anyone can get oral cancer even if you don’t smoke or drink.

Performing certain responsibilities daily can help to prevent oral cancer.  Here are some of the most efficient ways to lessen the risk of oral cancer:

  • Eat a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables
  • Brushing and flossing on a daily basis
  • Do not smoke or chew tobacco
  • Prepare foods in a more healthy manner
  • Visit our office at least twice per year for oral healthcare and thorough oral examinations
  • Try to limit your exposure to the sun

With early detection, pre-cancerous cells can be found quickly and removed in an efficient manner.  Dr. Henize can detect abnormalities such as changes in the tissues of the mouth during your dental examination. By scheduling an appointment at our dental office, we can help identify oral cancer during its beginning stages. Other symptoms include; a lump of mass in the inside of the mouth or neck, pain or difficulty swallowing, speaking or chewing, or any wart like masses.

Complete Health Dentistry provides comprehensive, high quality dental care for families including oral cancer screenings. We will make sure to understand your concerns and answer your questions, as well as take the time to fully diagnose any oral health problems. This month, be sure to visit our Cincinnati dental office to receive an oral cancer screening.
